Consciousness Anywhere
Shannon O’Hara
Welcome to the Consciousness Anywhere pod cast with Shannon O’Hara.
What if consciousness was everywhere and anywhere? In your daily life, in your
relationships, in your body, in your bank account and waiting to be discovered in every moment. Welcome
to a totally new experience, hosted by Shannon O’Hara, long time Access
Consciousness® facilitator and inspirational being, that will give you access to a
totally new world of possibilities.
Join Shannon and her amazing friends for conversations in consciousness, that will
lead to awesome awarenesses, practical tips and tools for accessing more easy, joy and glory in
changing every area of your life and creating a beyond-phenomenal living.
How does it get better then this?
Available episodes
Newest first
Oldest first
Dec 8, 2020
Earth Wizards
People try to live on the Earth and take from it instead of with it and seeing how they can contribute to it.
Shannon O’Hara chats with Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer about what we can step into being for the Earth, with the Earth and living as the Earth. Instead of using the Earth, we should work with it to get different possibilities than what is occurring today.
Have a different perspective or we’re not going to create what’s actually possible for us with the Earth.
Key takeaways:
You have to live as the Earth, not on the Earth
Work with and as the land
Let nature take its course
You’re way more aware than you think you are
Nov 24, 2020
Rules and Policies of Possibilities
It’s important to know the difference between controlling and compliance and how it actually works.
Shannon chats with Access Consciousness’s Pam Houghteling over how she helps licensed facilitators and educates them about the policies and guidelines of Access Consciousness.
Listen to their conversation on how rules, policies, and laws not only apply to Access Consciousness, but in life and choice.
Key takeaways:
Know the differences between the rules, policies and laws that create greater for all versus the rules and policies that control but don’t really work.
Be aware and know your audience; use awareness as your guideline.
Understand that some things work for some people and not others, choose what works for you.
Have rules that don’t just try to fix a problem but rather ask questions about what is going to create a greater possibility for everyone.
Nov 10, 2020
A Different Kind of Halloween
Oct 27, 2020
Anger isn’t actually your issue.
Bringing awareness to what is actually triggering your anger can help those who suffer from it. Shannon shares the five golden keys with anger and how these simple tools can help you find the byproducts of anger.
Anger is a sign of something deeper, but you must bring awareness to where it is coming from.
Key takeaways:
Anger can be triggered by a lie
You can pick up on anger that doesn’t belong to you
Potency can be misidentified as anger
Anger is a distractor implant
Anger is used to control people
Oct 13, 2020
What is Fear?
Fear is something used to control people.
Being distracted by fear prevents you from being aware of something else. Shannon and guest, Brendon Watt, discuss fear, distraction and choice and this week’s episode. When you’re saying you’re afraid, you’re actually saying you’re uncomfortable with the level of power and potency you’re getting.
Listen to Shannon and Brendon explore fear and how it prevents us from making choices. We all have a choice, we just have to choose it.
Key takeaways:
Fear is a distractor implant
Fear is a distrator of being, which distracts you from realizing you have a choice
Fear usually boils down to two things: potency and excitement
When you choose you actually create.
Sep 29, 2020
Un-desirable Truth
What is the truth that you are aware of and don’t want to know?
The world is always changing and lately it does even more dynamically. So we fight for what we believe in, for what we want, but does that create what we desire?
Join Gary Douglas and Shannon O’Hara in this deep, steep and maybe “un-desirable” conversation on how to change the resistance and fight into the creation of the future you truly desire to live.
What future reality are we creating right now that we are not acknowledging?
Key takeaways:
You don’t get the results you think you’re going to get by fighting
Reaction is a form of fighting
You only have to fight when you have to be right
Freedom is too uncontrollable
Sep 15, 2020
The Consciousness Diet
How much are you excluding certain food groups or ingredients?
How much do you judge what you eat and are you asking your body what it wants?
Join Max Zoulek and Shannon O’Hara in this passionate and insightful conversation about a different, more vulnerable and ease filled way to be with your body.
Is it time to start creating with your body?
Key takeaways:
Ask your body what it wants
When it comes to asking questions about your body, you have to submit
You have to be vulnerable with your body
What your body is aware of goes so much further outside of food
Sep 1, 2020
Exponentialising the Economy of Consciousness
Economy in this reality is defined by productivity, distribution and consumption.
What if your choices could create and generate greater expansion and consciousness for everyone and everything?
In this episode, Shannon invites us to a different possibility that is available, beyond the economy of this reality.
Learn about the Economy of Consciousness in order to look beyond money, to what is truly valuable to you.
What else is possible if you trusted the resources and economics of Consciousness?
The economy in this reality is what everybody does to get what they need.
Money is a tool but should never be the substitution for choice.
The economy of consciousness is an overflowing, quantum-entanglement of energy and possibility that includes money as we know it today, but does not exclude choice.
Stop referencing limitations as a reality.
Aug 18, 2020
What are your relationships adding to your life?
Many believe that in order to have great relationships you must fulfill the needs of others, but fulfilling their needs while neglecting yours can actually harm them. Relationships can either distract you from creating your life or contribute to it in dynamic and tremendous ways.
Shannon O’Hara and guest, Brendon Watt, dive into being fulfilled in relationships. Are you creating them with the right intention?
Listen to their views on relationships and why it’s important to learn what you need to be fulfilled instead of trying to fulfill the needs of others.
You have to have a great relationship with yourself in order to have one with someone else.
People go into relationship maintenance instead of continuously creating their relationships.
Fulfilling needs is easy but actually looking at what’s true for you can be really uncomfortable.
Ask yourself, what are you looking for someone else to give or be for you that only you can be for yourself?
Aug 4, 2020
Why is pleasure so taboo?
Society has this weird idea that pleasure is something that is induced by something else inside of us that we only have in rare moments, rather than a space of being from which we live our lives.
Shannon O’Hara and guest, Dr. Dain Heer, discuss accepting pleasure. Why are we taught that it is an unacceptable wavelength or frequency to function from?
Listen to their views on this socially suppressed topic and learn how to be aware of what is actually pleasurable to you.
One of the largest things that occur with greater consciousness is more pleasure
Pleasure is a free, abundant resource that’s everywhere
Pleasure is a socially rejected energy
We use our lack of pleasure to control ourselves
The need for only right choice is the enemy of pleasure
Jul 21, 2020
Growing up with Access
What was it like growing up with Access Consciousness?
Sisters Grace Douglas and Shannon O’Hara discuss their lives growing up with their father, the founder of Access, Gary Douglas.
Listen to hear Grace and Shannon’s story about the difference and the gift it was in their lives to grow up with Access.
What was it like growing up with Gary?
Not normal
Having a choice
Awareness and question
Creating freedom in the world
Jul 7, 2020
El Lugar
You can, through the actions and the choices you make today, literally create the world you truly desire to see.
Shannon talks with David Kubes about El Lugar.
Listen to learn how to show the world a different possibility by creating it.
Key takeaways:
The beginning of El Lugar
El Lugar’s Forests for Futures
The future that you contribute to is the future that will contribute to you
There is so much possibility, and it doesn’t need to come from one source
Following the energy
Jun 23, 2020
Money Come
What is the energy of loving money?
Shannon talks about money from her perspective and how she’s been able to generate and create millions of dollars facilitating Access Consciousness.
Listen to learn how to have peace and ease with money.
Key takeaways:
A different awareness around money
What is money?
You don’t have a money problem, you have a receiving problem
Do you love or hate money?
If you had your reality with money, what would it be?
Willing to receive what’s real and true for you
Jun 9, 2020
Having Clarity with Money
What would you like your reality with money to be?
Shannon and Brendon share their realizations, tools, awarenesses, and choices they’ve made on their journeys with money.
Listen to learn how to choose something different with money and get the courage to be the chooser and creator of your life.
On today’s podcast:
What’s your point of view about money?
Being delusional about money
Your reality with money
Taking money out of the equation
Do you want clarity with money?
May 26, 2020
Living the Future
How do we move to the future after quarantine?
Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, and Shannon explore what it means to create the future.
Listen to learn how to look for possibilities, not predictability. Will you choose ease?
Key takeaways:
Nothing will ever go back to what it was
Living the future and creating it
Earth does not regenerate itself, it always generates
The kingdom of we
Requirement of choice is what creates the future
May 12, 2020
Money Stories
What points of view do you have about money?
David Kubes and Shannon O’Hara share their stories and journeys with money.
Listen to learn the biggest myths and lies about money and how you can choose your own financial reality.
Key takeaways:
Money is not the problem
You can always get started
Stop putting validity into people’s points of view about money
The pathway of ease, joy, and glory in all areas of life
Choose first, then the money follows
The joy of having money
Apr 28, 2020
The Economy of Consciousness
How do we work in an ecologically and economically sound reality?
Shannon talks with Gary Douglas and Dr. David Kubes about the conscious ecology of creation and monetary beauty.
Listen to learn how you can create and contribute to the future.
Key takeaways:
True interest is being interested
Creating like nature
You become greater by receiving
Your job is not to have a life; your job is to create a living
Every choice you make today will be an investment in the consciousness of the future
Apr 14, 2020
Thriving Financially During Strange Economic Times
During these strange economic times, will you choose to thrive or will you choose to suffer?
David Kubes shares insights and different points of view about what’s possible during crises and economic difficulty.
Listen to learn how to be willing to create.
Key takeaways:
An amazing possibility for change
It’s time to get creative
Limiting ourselves to money
Chain of contribution
The four elements of creation
After great devastation comes great renaissance
Mar 31, 2020
Out Creating COVID-19
Rather than going into conclusion about COVID-19, what if you went into the question?
Today, Shannon and Max share a different perspective on what's currently happening on the planet.
Listen to learn how you can have ease, joy, and glory with the Coronavirus.
Key takeaways:
What’s right about this we’re not getting?
Asking for changes with ease, joy, and glory
Going into question rather than conclusion
Tremendous reaction or tremendous action
The concept of death
Mar 17, 2020
Circle of Manifestation
You don’t make things happen with manifestation, you allow things to show up.
Today, Shannon is joined by her father Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, to talk about the Circle of Manifestation.
Listen to learn how you can allow things to show up in your life by being willing to receive and do what it takes to create what you want.
What is manifestation?
Actualization and manifestation
Willing to receive
The universe will try to create for us if we allow it
Get your Bars run
Mar 3, 2020
Commitment is such a huge way in which we can create greater lives for ourselves and a greater world, but it is often treated as a bad word and completely misunderstood.
Today, Shannon is joined by Simone Milasas to talk about commitment.
Listen to learn how a world of choice and possibilities opens up when you commit to you.
Key takeaways:
The commitment to you
Commitment is not losing choice
Permission to ask questions
Kingdom of we
Judgements aren’t real
Commitment is misunderstood
Feb 18, 2020
Difference is a KEY, not a Curse
It’s not always comfortable to be different.
Listen to learn how being different can actually be an advantage, a strength, and be so liberating, even though it is not supported by this reality.
Key takeaways:
What does it mean to be different?
Acknowledging that difference is a strength
It’s not always comfortable to be different
How much effort are you putting into fitting into this reality?
Forcing yourself into asking questions
Difference is a key, not a curse
Feb 4, 2020
How many points of view about food have you been sold and told?
Today, Shannon is joined by her husband Max Zoulek to talk about food.
Listen to learn how to start asking the body, listening to the body, and accessing your awareness.
Key takeaways:
What have you made food that it isn’t?
Asking the body and listening to the body
If you have a body problem, food is not the issue
How can you always be in the question about food?
Your point of view creates your body
Kindness with food
Jan 21, 2020
If you acknowledged your awareness, what would change?
Today, Shannon explores perceiving, one of the quintessential pieces of the Access Consciousness curriculum.
Listen to learn how to access greater possibilities with perception.
Key takeaways:
Feelings are the lower harmonic of perceiving
Awareness is not feelings
Perception is not a mental process
Perception is always changing
Perceiving the future
Ask: What is perceiving?
Jan 7, 2020
Changing Your Stars
Today, Gary Douglas, Shannon’s father and the founder of Access Consciousness, is on the show to talk about stereotypes.
Listen to learn about stereotypical points of view, astrotypical personalities, and how you can change your stars.
Key takeaways:
Stereotypical points of view
There’s no “supposed to be”
The willingness to not be normal
Stereotypes are incongruent with being
Astrotypical personalities
You can change your stars
Dec 24, 2019
How many people do you see who are really creating and enjoying their lives? The mantra of Access Consciousness is: “Everything comes to me with ease, joy, and glory.”
Listen to learn what glory means and how you can seek glory in your life.
Key takeaways:
The definition of glory
Have you dimmed your glory to fit in with others?
Do you value and seek glory?
Truly committed to creating your life
Choice is a free superpower
Dec 10, 2019
Forests for Futures
What if money could create the world you want to live in?
On today’s episode, Shannon talks about Forests for Futures and an invitation to choose to not give up on the Earth, to contribute to and receive from the Earth, and to restore, invite, and create with Earth energies.
Key takeaways:
Is it easier to change the world with or without money?
Functioning from gifting and receiving
Choosing to not give up on the Earth
Receiving the gifts that the Earth has to offer
Happy body, happy Earth
Nov 26, 2019
Talk to the Animals
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to talk to animals?
Listen to learn how you can strengthen, develop, and explore your animal communication skills and be honoring and a contribution to them without treating them as a commodity.
Key takeaways:
Animals as co-creators on the planet
Can you be honoring of animals while still eating meat?
Receiving and contributing to animals
Strengthening and exploring your animal communication skills
Listening from awareness, not the mind
Nov 12, 2019
A Different World
Are you limiting your future by trying to define, control, project, and expect what the future is going to be and how it’s going to show up?
Key takeaways:
Have you decided what’s real and true?
There are so many things in our lives we’ve decided we need
Every choice you’ve made has created the future you’re living right now
When you have the awareness that choice creates, you are capable of changing anything
Start with a question
Look at your life through the eyes of gratitude
Oct 29, 2019
Actions for Futures
What future is being created by your choices?
Today, Shannon is joined by Gary Douglas, founder of Access, to talk about Actions for Futures and what it means for your life and for the world.
Key takeaways:
What’s possible vs what’s predictable and controllable
The point of view you take creates your reality
No future exists in judgement, only destruction
Ask: will this choice create my future?
Actions for Futures is a superfund for possibilities
Start seeing the world you’d like to create
Oct 15, 2019
Relationship on Access
Do you desire greater consciousness for your relationships?
Today, Shannon is joined by her husband Max Zoulek to talk about how the tools of Access Consciousness have contributed to their relationship and how you can have greater awareness with your relationships.
How much are you refusing contribution?
Who are you being in relationship?
Acknowledge what is
Stop judging and ask questions instead
Why are you doing this relationship?
The relationship has to work for YOU first
Oct 1, 2019
Joy with Shannon O’Hara
Is joy a choice? What if joy was a superpower? And why aren’t you using it?
Listen to learn what true joy embodied can be.
Key takeaways:
What are your judgements of joy?
How old were you when you gave up joy?
When you are joyful, others project judgements at you
What if joy was a superpower?
The threat of happiness
Accessing joy with your body through Access Consciousness body processes
Joy is not hopeless and joy is not futile
Sep 17, 2019
What is Pain?
What power are you avoiding with the pain you’re choosing?
Key takeaways:
Pain is one of the things that makes us choose death
Pain is actually an indication of a power that we’re refusing and avoiding
Physical pain as a creative element
Everything you think is wrong about you is actually what’s strong about you
There’s a hierarchy of pain
The radical point of view of receiving
What power are you avoiding with the pain you’re choosing?
Sep 3, 2019
You’re Not Wrong
Have you been trying to fit in all your life?
Listen to learn what other kinds of communication are available and how you can access an energetic awareness that is a different sense of knowing.
Key takeaways:
What is Access X-Men?
Labeled as autistic, why it is not a disability
Different forms of communication
The energetic reality of what people say
Awareness is an ability and a power
What if what you think is wrong about you is actually what’s strong with you?
Aug 20, 2019
Knowing What’s True For Your Body
Your body has its own point of view. It knows what it requires and what it desires and what’s true for it, but we don’t really ever ask it.
Key takeaways:
The body knows things and has an energetic awareness of itself
How much is your body contributing to the creation of your future?
Understanding the signals your body is giving you
How many fixed points of view do you have about your body?
Shannon and Andrew are co-facilitating a body class
Aug 6, 2019
What Comes After Interesting Point of View?
Are you on the creative edge of your reality?
Key takeaways:
Why do we have a point of view?
Interesting point of view gives you total choice
If someone didn’t have a point of view, what would they have?
You have the right to change your mind and create anything
Your point of view is not your reality
How can you be on the creative edge of your reality?
What would it be like if you were willing to see every point of view?
Jul 23, 2019
Talk to the Entities
What is entity awareness? Shannon explores what it means to have this capability and why it’s nothing like what we’ve been taught in this reality.
Key takeaways:
You can’t actually make an ability go away, you just go unconscious to it
What is entity awareness?
The gift of awareness
Three pillars of Talk to the Entities
What else is possible if you give awareness a chance?
It begins with your choice to know what you know
Entities are just like people
Jul 9, 2019
Ease with Shannon O’Hara
Do you desire more ease?
Listen to learn about how you can create your reality with ease, and start to see how deeply this question of ease can go. Has ease been a priority for you? Is ease valuable to you? What ease have you been refusing with the hard life you’ve been choosing?
Key takeaways:
What is The Clearing Statement?
You create your reality
Ease with money
If you had ease in your life, what would you lose?
Do you really desire more ease in your life?
What does ease mean to you?
Jun 25, 2019
Creating Beyond 2019
If you were creating your life, what would that be?
Tune in if you know something else is possible and if you’re willing to be different. Learn how you can create your life, choose without judgement, and seek awareness, joy, and possibility. There is no time like the present to create.
Key takeaways:
Something else is possible
Are you willing to be different?
Whose life are you creating?
Creation isn’t just for today
When you judge yourself, you’re lying to yourself
Jun 11, 2019
Projection, Expectation, Separation, Rejection & Judgment
What if you didn’t have to live in reaction?
Key takeaways:
Functioning from what we can choose, not from what we project and expect
What’s the purpose of projections and expectations? Why do we like judgments?
Question not expectation
Reaction doesn’t create, it destroys everything that doesn’t match it
Projections and expectations lead to separations, rejections, and judgments
What action could I take here that could create something bigger and greater?
May 28, 2019
The Space of Embodiment
What is body consciousness?
Join us to get a taste of a very different spacious possibility with bodies.
Key takeaways:
Bringing your body into the computation
What judgement do you have of your body that you could destroy and uncreate?
Access Consciousness body classes help you discover how amazing your body can be
Advice for people struggling with food or addiction
Expanding out versus contracting into your body
Every time you judge your body, you are disconnecting from its gift
May 14, 2019
Bodies Talk to Bodies
If you have a body, this episode is for you.
Listen to learn about the continuous energetic interaction between bodies and Access Consciousness body processes.
Key takeaways:
The conversations bodies are having that most of us are oblivious to
Access Body Processes allow you to understand the language of energy
People’s lack of consciousness and engagement with the body disconnects their willingness to look at what is going on with the planet
Receiving is one of the superpowers of the body
What are some things bodies are capable of that no one talks about?
Apr 30, 2019
The Gift of the Body
Join us to learn about Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment (ESSE), how to access the body, and how to recognize that the body is not a hindrance.
Key takeaways:
Consciousness and working with the body
What is ESSE?
What if it is actually our points of view that show up in our bodies?
How many people out there really love their body?
The more conscious you get, the easier it is to access the body
Access 7 day Body Immersion experience – Bali, Indonesia with Shannon O’Hara and Suzy Godsey
Apr 16, 2019
Access BARS
Most of the world functions at a disconnect from energy as thought it’s normal, but the Bars starts to restore our receiving capacities. Join us to learn about what it means to have your Bars run, how the process works, and how it can help us access more consciousness and create something different.
Key takeaways:
The story of how the Bars were discovered
How do the Bars work?
The Bars dissipates and releases the electrical charge, the neurological patterning we create through our thoughts, feelings, emotions, points of view
The Bars is one way you can access more of you and whatever energy you have been longing for
The Bars for physical pain
There are people running Bars and teaching Bars classes all over the planet
Apr 2, 2019
How to Deal with Mean People
How do we deal with mean people, and what does it actually mean to be mean?
Key takeaways:
Pam’s whole life she’s been drawn to help people and change their life in some way
How to deal with people: Approach situations without a point of view or a judgement
There’s no right or wrong; there’s what is and what can we do with it
What is mean? Is mean a judgement?
As soon as you’re in reaction you’re at the effect of everything
What’s going to create the best for everyone?
Mar 19, 2019
Dr. Dain Heer is truly a master of energy. He’s here to have a conversation about dealing with the energetics behind the circumstances of our lives to shift, change, and access transformation.
Key takeaways:
We are all energetic beings
What is energy?
The energetic world impacts the physical world
Those points of view you take create the energies that you can perceive
Energy is fast; thinking is slow
Dear Universe, show me something beautiful
Judgement only has the energy that you give it
Mar 5, 2019
Invitation of Change
What is the invitation of change?
Tune in to learn what it means to lead your life, how every choice creates your life, and how to stop wasting your life with conclusions.
Key takeaways
Get in there and go for it; you are in control of your life
Every little choice you make creates your life, not just the big ones
If you don’t have that relationship with yourself, you cannot have it the way you desire with someone else
Don’t waste your life with conclusions
Being you is creating yourself
Feb 19, 2019
What is Consciousness?
How can you create or choose something different?
Listen to learn the tools to create greater consciousness, awareness, and less judgement in your life so you have more choices, more possibility, and the gift of you.
Key takeaways
Very few people have the awareness that they create their lives
Changing your point of view is easy, just choose different
You’re taught to be crippled in this reality
It’s only difficult if you think you can’t choose it
What is possible you haven’t chosen yet?
Feb 5, 2019
Do You Use the Past to Limit You?
Do you use your conclusions of the past to define who or what you can be today?
Key takeaways:
Having an awareness of the past is not the same as having a conclusion about the past
Imagine what the world could be if everyone woke up with no memory of the past
We can alter the world around us through our own inner transformation
How much do we use past reference points as a way of not having to be creative today?
If we’re always stuck in the past, we’re never developing what’s possible today
Jan 22, 2019
Foundation of Wealth
What if everything you were ever taught about money or anything that you ever saw people do with money--what if none of that was real or true?
Key takeaways:
Do you hate money?
How many points of view on money have you bought from others?
You don’t have a money problem, you have a receiving problem
If you want transformation, try Access
If you don’t have the money you desire to have right now, you actually will need to change what you’re doing
Jan 8, 2019
Creating 2019
Are you ready to create your life? Creation is something that is often misunderstood, but also essential for our lives, so what better time to dive into creation and apply it to our 2019.
Key takeaways:
What is true creation?
Judgement doesn’t create; judgement destroys
Question is essential for creation, for discovery, for change
When you are gifting you are simultaneously receiving
What if you asked for this year to show up better than you could imagine and beyond what you can control?
Dec 25, 2018
Holiday Message
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and happy end of 2018! This holiday message is for you, to say thank you for reaching out to learn more about consciousness.
What choice can you make today to create an amazing, beyond your reality 2019?
Dec 11, 2018
Shannon and her husband Max get real and vulnerable discussing, exposing, and discovering their sexual journey and experiences through their own relationship with each other.
Key takeaways:
What’s your sexual reality?
Copulation with kindness can be healing
Going into reaction keeps you from receiving all the incredible variations of orgasmic energy
When we make our points of view or other people’s points of view real or significant, that’s when we get stuck
Nov 27, 2018
Lisa Henriksson shares her experiences with sex and lust, how to achieve the joy of embodiment, and what it takes to experience the magic of what else is possible with sex that is caring, curious, and fun.
Key takeaways:
Lust is the energy that makes bodies want to live
You cannot fully enjoy your body until you get rid of your judgement
How much has been locked into our bodies that’s not even ours?
Sex can be honoring, and it can be playful
Look in the mirror and see what’s beautiful
Nov 13, 2018
What Would You Like to Choose?
You can have an easy life, you just have to choose it.
Listen to learn how the tools of Access Consciousness can help you make a change, if you’re willing to do the work. Shannon challenges you to ask yourself: What would you like to choose?
Key takeaways
What is choice and how do we do it?
What are the Bars and how do they work?
How the tools of Access helped Shannon function more consciously
Every time you shut out an awareness, you become less of you
Wherever you are, start there
Oct 19, 2018
Welcome to Consciousness Anywhere
Welcome to Consciousness Anywhere
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